Acupuncture Detoxification Therapy

This procedure called AcuDetox  (auricular acupuncture)  involves gently placing five small, sterilized disposable needles into specific sites on each ear.

The treatment is a non verbal process with minimal interaction between client and provider leading into a calm, meditative state of 30 to 45 minutes. (Overall treatment 60minutes)  The treatment is immediate, tangible and apparent. AcuDetox is a treatment option shown to aid in the recovery process for a variety of addictions & conditions.

What are AcuDetox benefits? 

Through its natural, holistic approach, treatment outcomes such as:

Reduce cravings for alcohol, drugs & Nicotine

Reduce chemical dependency on substances

Relief from stress and emotional trauma

Increase calmness and concentration

Minimize withdrawal symptoms

Lower anxiety and agitation

Better sleep - Insomnia

ADHD & ADD symptoms

Pain Management

Bipolar Disorder





The Acudetox protocol was developed by NADA in 1985 at Lincoln recovery Centre in New York, primarily for addiction. Due to its effectiveness, Acudetox is integrated in treatment centres all over the world.

Who can benefit from this treatment

Acudetox is an evidence-based technique that has many benefits which is proven to help reduce: pain, anxiety, insomnia, withdrawal from substances, substance use i.e. cravings (including nicotine), and agitation. Acudetox is safe for all types of people, including those with Diabetes and Hemophilia.

Only a certified Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist (ADS) who has completed over 70 hours of training can undertake this procedure.

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